Academic Achievement:
1. I will monitor the amount of screen time my child has.
2. I will provide a regular time, place and supervision for homework completion.
3. I will ensure that he/she reads daily.
1. I will support district/school rules for acceptable behavior.
2. I will teach my child to respect the rights and property of others.
1. I will assume responsibility for regular and prompt attendance of my child at school.
2. I will put my child to bed at a reasonable hour to ensure reasonable sleep and encourage healthy habits.
1. I will talk daily with my child about his/her school activities.
2. I will notify teachers of any concerns or problems that may affect my child’s school performance.
3. I will become aware of how my child is progressing by attending conferences,
looking at schoolwork, talking to the teachers, and being involved in the school. In middle school, I will check grades and homework online.
Parent________________________ Date__________________________