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May Agenda

Posted by Anna Mrsny on 5/19/2021 6:00:00 PM

NSA Site Council Agenda 

May 25, 2021, 6:15 pm-8:15 pm 

Join Zoom Meeting* 

Meeting ID: 870 8984 4013 

Passcode: NSASC! 

NSA Site Council Members 

Sara Shackel: Principal (SS) Alejandra Lopez: Parent (AL) Veronica Luna: Parent (VL) Gwen Minor: Teacher (GM) Stephanie Vance: Teacher (SV) 

  1. Call Meeting to Order – VL 

Ruth Snyder: Teacher (RS) Anna Mrsny: Staff (AM) Tracy Chad: Parent (TC) Shaun Gaffney: Parent (SG) Jolie Kalvaria: Parent (JK) 

  1. Creation/Review of Council Agreements - VL 
  2. Bring multiple perspectives 
  3. Share openly & honestly 
  4. Assume positive intent 
  5. Respect commitment of role: Attend all meetings, arrive on time, come prepared… 
  6. New Business 
  7. Principal Update – SS 
  8. Staff Update 
  9. iReady data 

iii. Climate Survey data, if available 

  1. District Update 
  2. SPSA Preliminary Budget and Board Update - SS 
  3. SPSA in Fall 2021 
  4. Approval of 2021-2022 Preliminary Budget
  5. 2021-2022 Site Council Elections - SS 
  6. Introduce prospective members 
  7. Election process
  8. Q&A 
  9. NSA - SSC Meeting Schedule for 2021-2022 
  10. Public Comments 
  11. Meeting Adjourned – VL

*Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 870 8984 4013 

Passcode: NSASC! 

April 2021 Agenda

Posted by Anna Mrsny on 4/5/2021 6:00:00 PM

NSA Site Council Agenda 

April 6, 2021, 6:15 pm-8:15 pm 

Join Zoom Meeting* 

Meeting ID: 870 8984 4013 

Passcode: NSASC! 

NSA Site Council Members 

Sara Shackel: Principal (SS) Alejandra Lopez: Parent (AL) Veronica Luna: Parent (VL) Gwen Minor: Teacher (GM) Stephanie Vance: Teacher (SV) 

  1. Call Meeting to Order – VL 

Ruth Snyder: Teacher (RS) Anna Mrsny: Staff (AM) Tracy Chad: Parent (TC) Shaun Gaffney: Parent (SG) Jolie Kalvaria: Parent (JK) 

  1. Creation/Review of Council Agreements - VL 
  2. Bring multiple perspectives 
  3. Share openly & honestly 
  4. Assume positive intent 
  5. Respect commitment of role: Attend all meetings, arrive on time, come prepared… 
  6. New Business 
  7. Principal Update – SS 
  8. Phase III Reopening Update 
  9. District Update 
  10. Measure U Budget - SS 
  11. Review of 2021-2022 Budget 
  12. Financial prioritization 
  13. SPSA Review - SS 
  14. Discussion of updated SPSA Goals 
  15. Financial prioritization 
  16. NSA - SSC Meeting Schedule and Business 
  17. Public Comments 
  18. Meeting Adjourned – VL 

 *Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 870 8984 4013 

Passcode: NSASC! 

Dial by your location 

+1 929 436 2866 US (New York) 

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 

+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) 

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) 

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) 

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) 

Meeting ID: 870 8984 4013 

Passcode: 724961

March 2021 Agenda

Posted by Anna Mrsny on 3/1/2021 12:00:00 PM

NSA Site Council Agenda March 2, 2021, 6:15 pm-8:15 pm Join Zoom Meeting*

Meeting ID: 870 8984 4013
Passcode: NSASC! _____________________________________________

NSA Site Council Members
Ruth Snyder: Teacher (RS), Anna Mrsny: Staff (AM) Tracy Chad: Parent (TC) Shaun Gaffney: Parent (SG) Jolie Kalvaria: Parent (JK)

Sara Shackel: Principal (SS) Alejandra Lopez: Parent (AL) Veronica Luna: Parent (VL) Gwen Minor: Teacher (GM) Stephanie Vance: Teacher (SV)

1. Call Meeting to Order – VL

  1. Creation/Review of Council Agreements - VL

    1. Bring multiple perspectives

    2. Share openly & honestly

    3. Assume positive intent

    4. Respect commitment of role: Attend all meetings, arrive on time, come


  2. Old Business

    1. Annual Climate Survey Update - SS

    2. Upcoming SBAC - SS

  3. New Business

a. Principal Update – SS

- Staffing Update
- iReady Data Update
- Equity Update (Stephanie Vance) - District Update

5. SPSA Review - SS

a. b.

6. Phase III a. b. c. d.

Discussion of updated SPSA Goals Financial prioritization

- School reopening (April 12, 2021
Parent Survey
Teacher vaccination and return to campus Possible Scheduling choices

Tentative March 16th SSC meeting to finalize Phase III reopening 7. Public Comments

8. Meeting Adjourned – VL ______________________________________________________

*Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 8984 4013 Passcode: NSASC!

Dial by your location
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 870 8984 4013 Passcode: 724961

January 2021 Minutes

Posted by Anna Mrsny on 3/1/2021 12:00:00 PM

NSA Site Council Meeting Minutes

January 12, 2021 (via Zoom)

Members Present:
Sara Shackel: Principal (SS)
Kelly Noriega: Assistant Principal (KN) Veronica Luna: Chair, Parent (VL)
Jolie Kalvaria: Assistant Chair, Parent (JK) Tracy Chad: Assistant Secretary, Parent (TC) Gwen Minor: Teacher (GM)
Anna Mrsny: Office Manager (AM)
Stephanie Vance: Teacher (SV)
Ruth Snyder: Teacher (RS)
Members Not Present:
Alejandra Lopez: Secretary, Parent (AL) Shaun Gaffney: Parent (SG)

Guests: Leslie Stafford, Carl Landers, Dalya Rosner, Julie Lanz, Nooshin Kaviani, Benjamin Kwiatkowki, Jane Wang, Jill Schmidt, Cameron Parker, Zena Fadel, Morgan L., Gail Sheena, Susan Bouchard, Lorraine Martin, Ryan, Cherrill Roth, Laura, Jennifer Lam, Kelley McCarthy, Mary Arai, Rita Finones, Renee Schwall, M. M.. Michelle Fogarty, Cameron Hoffman, Angela Malenfant, Jean Cripps, Missy G., Heidi Walas, Sophia Shoemaker.

  1. Meeting Called to Order @ 6:21pm – VL

  2. Review of Council Agreements - VL

    1. Bring multiple perspectives

    2. Share openly & honestly

    3. Assume positive intent

    4. Respect commitment of role: Attend all meetings, arrive on time, come prepared.

  3. Approval of December 2020 Minutes - Motion to approve (JK) 2nd (SV) Passed unanimously

  4. Discuss and Approve School Safety Plan – SS Sara shared document

    1. Multiple components, safety is a top priority, we have supervisors, assemblies, drills, coordinate with McKinley staff since shared campus, follow SMCOE’s Big 5 protocol, Anna is point person, do fire, earthquake, intruder and shelter in place drills, Each classroom has a bucket and red backpack with supplies, our plan is on website and in Maze Days packet. Feel really good about plans and well prepared. Other safety policies include discipline, dress code, sexual harassment, crisis intervention, have a staff safety team and good mental health supports.

    2. Motion to approve (JK) 2nd (GM) Passed unanimously

  5. New Business

a. Principal Update – SS

i. - School reopening plan- Sara shared slide deck of presentation she will share with students at Gryphon Gathering tomorrow, will also record and send out to parents and students. Already shared with staff.
Slide Deck link: 7ViXT79ReI/edit?ts=5ffdf867#slide=id.g6320de4b7d_0_428

  1. Plan to begin January 19th bringing pilot, hub and 7th graders back, then 3rd and 5th following week, 4th grade when Ms. Kim goes on maternity leave and 6th when Mr. Havey goes on paternity leave.

  2. Goal: Important for kids to be in school, provide connection and community in a safe way.

  3. Rules: masks, 6ft apart, keep in own space, if ill, do not come to school

  4. Arrival: stay in car for temp and wellness survey, one walking entrance by science lab

  5. Schedule: arrival staggered by last name, 100 kids per day, important to stick to arrival time, McKinley lets out at 12:45, so do not arrive before 1pm., go directly to classroom to check in.

  6. Outside time: divided into three, 30 min sections, classes assigned zones, each class has own equipment, wash hand before and after, wear mask

  7. 3rd grade: small group writing and math

  8. Other grades: SEL/Class meetings/PE/Enrichment Projects

  9. Tech time limited while on campus

  10. Health waiting area if student feel sick/show symptoms once at

    school - parents will be asked to pick up ASAP

  11. If someone tests positive, cohort goes to distance learning for two

    weeks. If teacher needs to quarantine, class goes to distance

    learning. No subs.

  12. Everyone needs to be flexible!!

  13. Handwashing stations and schedule

  14. All students should bring water bottle

  15. Classrooms set up: students need to stay in their own space at

    desk, windows and doors will be open for ventilation.

  16. Pilot and hub only ones eating on campus, outside tables marked

    for 6ft distance.

  17. Bathrooms: one person at a time


  1. Will there be an opportunity to choose to return ant a later date?

    At this time no plan for that, but never know for sure, things always in flux. Sara recognized it is a very hard choice for parents to make right now, however, school was asked to come up with one plan for spring.

  2. Are carpools ok? Only if carpooling within cohort. Created class list with pods together.

  1. Are there screening precautions besides temperature? Yes, health survey each day and testing every two weeks.

  2. When will we get academic schedule for mornings? Finalized will be emailing out.

  3. Are families expected to not gather with others outside of school and cohorts? All families need to realize they are making a commitment to act responsibly and limit exposure to others and put school community first, we all need to be able to trust that others are being safe outside school.

  4. Will students get an unexcused absence if choose to return but do not attend? Good question, need to think about that. Academic attendance will be taken in the morning.

  5. When will we find out our days/cohorts? Hopefully tomorrow, still working out a few things, but have mostly set, if you made a specific request, you got it., can email Sara.

  6. What do students do on the two afternoon they do not attend? Asynchronous assignments and office hours available with academic teachers.

  7. Is the district still using Curative tests? Sounds like that is the plan for now, SM county is using curative tests, may not find all cases, but at this point is better than no testing.

  8. Is there a plan to bring students back for more than two hours later? At this time, no plans for that, but things are always changing so can’t say no for sure depending on vaccines, case numbers, etc.

  9. Is there a chance 3rd grade families can opt back in later? No guarantee, only possible chance is if cohorts have to quarantine and space is available when they reset, but no two week resets built into the schedule.

  10. When will 6th grade cohorts start? Most likely when Mr. Havey goes on leave and sub starts, Feb 8th, will communicate to 6th grade families.

  11. Contact Sara with any additional questions that come up.

  1. - Budget update - updated Measure W, feeling fiscally good, able to pay

    for Peggy to be at school in the afternoons to help with yard duty.

  2. - Admissions update - got through all testing, Anna did a great job of

    organizing and making it run smoothly and safely.

    1. Tested about 200 students/130 third graders

    2. Sent out qualifying rubric and scores

    3. A few parent questions about report cards, but addressing that.

    4. Several students have moved, so there should be some movement

      on waitlists for other grades.

    5. Goal for next year is more outreach to bayside schools, hoping for

      that this year, but ended up being difficult with pandemic.

b. District Update - SS

  1. No meeting since December so not much to report

  2. Had iReady training for staff

  1. Big questions on horizon with vaccines for teachers and reopening plans for each school.

  2. Sara feeling optimistic that we will be able to get back to a traditional school year in the fall.

6. Public Comments
a. Is i-Ready assessment appropriate for NSA students? Yes, useful for teachers. It

is used to measure growth and see if students are at grade level. We need data and this is really only data provided this year. Ms. Vance said in her 19 years of teaching in the district, this is the best measurement used, adaptive so adjusts to students.

7. Meeting Adjourned @ 7:45pm– VL - Motion to adjourn (JK) Second (GM)

December 2020 Agenda

Posted by Anna Mrsny on 2/7/2021 6:00:00 PM

NSA Site Council Agenda December 1, 2020, 6:15 pm-8:15 pm Join Zoom Meeting*

NSA Site Council Members
Ruth Snyder: Teacher (RS)

Anna Mrsny: Staff (AM) Tracy Chad: Parent (TC) Sean Gaffney: Parent (SG) Jolie Kalvaria: Parent (JK)

  1. Call Meeting to Order – VL

  2. Creation/Review of Council Agreements - VL a. Bring multiple perspectives

    b. Share openly & honestly
    c. Assume positive intent
    d. Respect commitment of role: Attend all meetings, arrive on time, come


  3. Approval of November 2020 Minutes

  4. Discuss and Approve NSA Reopening Plan – SS

  5. New Business

    1. Principal Update – SS

      - NSA Admissions update for 2021-2022 School Year - Importance of regular school attendance
      - Understanding independent study alternatives

    2. District Update - SS

  6. Public Comments

  7. Meeting Adjourned – VL

December 2020 Minutes

Posted by Anna Mrsny on 2/7/2021 6:00:00 PM

NSA Site Council Meeting Minutes

December 1, 2020 (via Zoom)

Members Present:
Sara Shackel: Principal (SS)
Kelly Noriega: Assistant Principal (KN) Veronica Luna: Chair, Parent (VL)
Jolie Kalvaria: Assistant Chair, Parent (JK) Alejandra Lopez: Secretary, Parent (AL) Tracy Chad: Assistant Secretary, Parent (TC) Shaun Gaffney: Parent (SG)
Gwen Minor: Teacher (GM)
Anna Mrsny: Office Manager (AM)
Ruth Snyder: Teacher (RS)
Stephanie Vance: Teacher (SV)

  1. Meeting Called to Order at 6:17pm – VL

  2. Reviewed Council Agreements – VL

    1. Bring multiple perspectives

    2. Share openly and honestly

    3. Assume positive intent

    4. Respect commitment of role: Attend all meetings, arrive on time, come prepared.

  3. Approved Meeting Minutes from November 10, 2020 – 1st to approve (JK), 2nd (SG)

  4. Discussed and approved NSA Reopening Plan
    SS: This is a rough draft, due on November 14th. Site council will review tonight, and community can give input, I’ll make edits and then VL will look at it again, the district will look at it, and it gets presented to the county.

    Nick the MIT Principal and I have been working together since we have a shared facility. You’ll see coordination between our sites. The good thing is that the plan for MIT is 8am-12, and we come onto campus at 1pm. Based on numbers, it looks do-able to share the campus this way.

    Classrooms will be cleaned and sanitized once a day because only one cohort there per day. High-touch surfaces cleaned throughout the day. Restrooms cleaned 3x per day. Extensive cleaning on Wednesdays (between cohorts). In each classroom, a tracking sheet will keep track of when it was cleaned and how.

    All 3 third grade teachers are returning, using their classrooms in the morning to teach. We will use 4th grade rooms for PM sessions. That leaves their personal classrooms clean and safe. Third graders will have the top floor. Afternoon classes include one class of 4th, one

class of 5th, and one class of 6th, on the bottom floor of the two-story building. Then one class of 7th (in Martin’s room), and one class of 8th (in Fadel’s room).

We also created zones on campus so kids outside will be assigned to a zone. We have two eating areas. We also will be able to use outside spaces for teaching as well. The play structures, there's still a bit of a question. If we do use them, they’ll have to be cleaned between cohorts.

The district is hiring a second custodian for MIT and NSA. We will not share classroom materials. Students will have desk space and a holder for their things. Air filters, we’re using MERV13. They’re installed and updated. Checked and regularly. We purchased air purifiers for each classroom. When we can, we like to have all windows and doors open. We can use plexiglass if we have a situation where we can’t socially distance well with the desk arrangement.

We have training for students coming back on campus, an information night. Students and parents sign an agreement to follow the safety guidelines.

For the kids on campus, we will be trying to get the kids away from technology. That’s the priority when they’re on campus.

There will be no water fountains. Students can bring their own water bottles.

The entrance and egress of students is something we’re still working on. Given the numbers, we’re only going to have a 100 students per day (a little over 200 total so far): 60 in 3rd grade, 29 in 4th grade, 25 in 5th grade, 39 in 6th grade (need to still work through the options here with that count), 28 in 7th, 25 in 8th.

We’ll have two ways to get onto campus. Car drop-off, you fill out health screening, get temp taken. We’ll also have a station for walking students.
We’ll have an isolation room.
Any exits can be used.

Parents will not be allowed on campus. No visitors, even for pickup. No eating on campus.

PPE required. Teachers will have masks, aprons, gloves and face shields. We have extra masks in case anyone forgets. Each class has extra disposables. Masks required all the time. Signs remind about mask-wearing, cleaning, touching surfaces, etc.
Paper health screening for now, may transition to digital.
Hand-washing, we’re getting touchless faucets installed. Each classroom will have a touchless faucet and hand sanitizer. Bathroom will have paper towels, not using hand driers. We'll also have three outside handwashing stations as well.
We'll do tracing and tracking. If there is a positive case, district HR has processes they follow. Staff are tested every two weeks. Optional testing for students.

We know it’s difficult to choose between coming on to campus and having an enrichment, but logistically we need people to make a choice.

We’ve been given one hub by the school district, so we’ll be able to bring 15 kids to campus every day, all day. They’ve hired a teacher for the hub. Students will still participate in online learning, with the support of the new teacher from the district.


Are we getting a waiver to deal with being in the purple tier with the county?

SS: Yes, it’s being done.

Is there any hope of getting back to school in Spring of 2021?

SS: I’m assuming no; and then, if it happens, we’ll figure it out.

How prepared do you feel for if a teacher gets sick?

SS: In general, I feel good. We haven't had any teachers get super sick. We have options for subs. Mr. Cagle, Kelly and I can when we need to. With the exception of 3rd grade, the kids all have three teachers so even if one person is out, they still have their other teachers. That’s one advantage for our school.

If an on-campus teacher has to quarantine, what happens to the on-campus kids?

SS: We have sub options, and they can do things virtually for a period if needed and then return when they can.

If a student tests positive, that whole cohort would be home then?

SS: Yes, if they’ve had 15 minutes of contact, which they would in the cohort, they would quarantine.

When does everyone wash?

SS: At any kind of entering and exiting. Likely five times in a two-hour period.

SV: In the pilots, have there been any cases or concerns that have come up? Would we hear about it?
SS: I don’t know what I’m allowed to share. In general, they've been running smoothly. Things have been dealt with when needed. Because of privacy, I can’t share specifics.

SV: Is info from pilots outside our school district, in SM county, is that info being shared across districts in our county?
SS: Yes, Dr. Baker meets with superintendents every week and also administrative staff.

5. New Business
a. Principal Update


SS: We’re starting testing tomorrow. We have many students signed up. Usually, we aim for 200 second graders to test, but that was with out-of-district students. This year, we have 150 to 175 (RCSD only). I don’t see any problem in filling three classes. If we cannot finish testing because the governor shuts down the state, we would delay the rest of the testing. We’re finalizing the rubric which we’ll share with applicants.

Importance of regular attendance and understanding independent study:

SS: Please attend school. It’s coming up, this idea of independent study. As families are figuring out alternatives for things they can do during this time, the one option we do have is independent study. The way it works at NSA, you do all the work that everyone else does, you just don’t attend class. It’s not ideal. One issue with NSA is that if you leave it’s difficult to come back. If you leave, I cannot guarantee you’ll have your spot.

b. District Update
LS: It’s all been focusing on reopening. And, Dennis McBride is stepping down. The new board member will be sworn in on November 11th.

6. Public comments – None
7. Meeting Adjourned @ 7:43pm

September 2020 Minutes

Posted by Anna Mrsny on 2/7/2021 6:00:00 PM

NSA Site Council Meeting Minutes

September 1, 2020 (via Zoom)

Members Present:
Sara Shackel: Principal (SS)
Veronica Luna: Chair, Parent (VL)
Jolie Kalvaria: Assistant Chair, Parent (JK) Alejandra Lopez: Secretary, Parent (AL) Tracy Chad: Assistant Secretary, Parent (TC) Shaun Gaffney: Parent (SG)
Gwen Minor: Teacher (GM)
Kelly Noriega: Assistant Principal (KN) Stephanie Vance: Teacher (SV)

Members Not Present: Classified staff (TBD), 5th or 6th grade teacher (TBD)

Guests: Leslie Stafford, Mohamed Tabrizi, Mercedes Kwiatkowski, Angela Malenfant, Gail Sheena, Carl Landers, Julie Lanz, Rita Finones, Robert Bedros, Susan Bouchard, Beatrice Chan, Lionel Ip, Jean Yang, Vivian Lee, Corinne Tsui, Erin Judge, Sophia Shoemaker, Nooshin Kaviani, Toby Xu, Ashley Gunther

  1. Meeting Called to Order @ 6:37pm – VL

  2. Introductions and Welcomed New and Returning Site Council members - SS and VL

  3. Approved Meeting Minutes from May 5, 2020 – 1st to approve (SV), 2nd (TC)

  4. Public Comments and Questions

    Question re: Site Council and PTO – What are the division of roles for these groups, and how do we keep them diverse? This pertains to the appointment of JK as Assistant Chair of Site Council while also VP of PTO this year, whether there is a conflict of interest to hold both positions.

    JK: Next year, not planning to be President of PTO. Plans to serve as Chair of Site Council.

    Question re: Update on pandemic – What are the county’s plans for schools opening or continuing virtually all year?
    SS: Right now, it would have to be on a waiver from the county to reopen schools. Ultimately the school board makes the decision, but we won’t have that conversation until November. My guess is that we won’t consider coming back until at least a few weeks after the holidays. That could change if the numbers change or the county rules change. We look to the county and state level for guidance on this.

    Question re: Updates on school ventilation system – Are there plans to update it with the thought of reopening schools eventually?

SS: Yes, they upgraded our filtration system and changed all of our filters. Hospital grade. They were also working on intake-outtake circulation of air. They doubled or tripled that percentage. There will be a lot more outside air that gets filtered into the classrooms. They're not replacing the full A.C./heating system but they are filtering air with better filters, implementing a schedule for regular replacement of filters, and increasing outside air circulation. Those are questions that the board will address as we transition to coming back to school.

Question re: District North Star Forward Committee – Is that continuing, or is that on hold? SS: It’s effectively on hold. The subcommittee about admissions will probably reconvene to figure out how to do admissions for this year because of the pandemic. The committee as a whole was told we were trying to make decisions for the 2021-22 school year so that will likely be pushed out a year to 2022-23.

  1. Reviewed Site Council Purpose & Bylaws – SS

    Site Council is an essential body. Important group of people in talking about what makes NSA NSA. We're always supportive of the teachers and the staff, but it’s very important that we think through what we’re doing and why and how we’re doing it. Important for us to take the time to do that efficiently and effectively. We want to address issues as they come up and do that with a team.

  2. Elected Officers

    1. Chair: Veronica Luna – 1st to approve (SG), 2nd (JK)

    2. Assistant Chair: Jolie Kalvaria – 1st to approve (VL), 2nd (SG)

    3. Secretary: Alejandra Lopez – 1st to approve (VL), 2nd (TC)

    4. Assistant Secretary: Tracy Chad – 1st to approve (VL), 2nd (JK)

  3. Reviewed and Approved Site Council Agreements - 1st to approve (TC), 2nd (GM)

    1. Bring multiple perspectives

    2. Share openly and honestly

    3. Assume positive intent

    4. Respect commitment of role: Attend all meetings, arrive on time, come prepared.

  4. Approved Meeting Schedule – 1st to approve (JK), 2nd (SG) Sept 1, 2020

    Oct 6, 2020
    Nov 3, 2020
    Dec 1, 2020
    Jan 12, 2021 (second Tuesday of the month) Feb 2, 2021

    March 2, 2021
    April 6, 2021 (Tuesday after spring break) May TBD

  1. Discussed Last Year’s NSA Site Council Accomplishments / This Year’s Goals – SS

    Last year, we looked at how we were funding things. For example, we allocated money to SEL, and Mr. Havey wrote a curriculum over the summer. We put time into the schedule for SEL, and then PTO upped Star Vista counseling. We made decisions about putting money towards PD for teachers, tech platforms. We looked at data and identified areas we need to work on.

    For this year, our biggest goals are twofold: 1) keeping the curriculum moving forward even though it’s a pandemic and not traditional school, and 2) making sure the kids are okay, that their social and emotional health is being checked on and treated with as much focus as we treat our academic minds.

    My other goal for Site Council is to have a place where staff and parents can come together and have dialogue about what’s happening. Important for us to be able to talk together, especially during pandemic, to find balance in what the kids are experiencing, and for both parties (staff and parents) to feel supported.

  2. Old Business

    1. District North Star Committee – SS: (see Public Comments above)

    2. Foreign Language – SS: This is the Achilles heel of NSA. People want it, but from a

      financial standpoint it is expensive, and since the retirement of Ms. Rinehart, we haven’t had the staff for it. We don’t currently have the funding. Has become something people have to do independently or through afterschool options. Historically, it used to be PTO- funded, and it would have to have long-term funding commitment to hire a teacher etc.

    3. Distance learning

      Parent comments: Improved from Spring, good so far. It's clear the teachers have worked hard. Have to make an effort for exercise, PE. A lot of screen time for the kids and teachers.
      SS: Staff talking about how to get away from constant screen time.

      Also, we are transitioning to Zoom, happening as we speak. Adults have switched over; next we’re getting the students on. Teachers have a choice whether to use Zoom or Google Meet, so students will need to know how to use both.

    4. Enrichment – KN: All students have been placed. Students can opt out, which some did, especially upper grade middle school students.

  3. New Business – SS

    1. Principal Update: In addition to things we’ve already discussed, new staff hires have been

      fantastic. Working on getting a sub for Mr. Havey while on paternity leave.

    2. District Uniform Complaint Procedures: The procedures are posted on the district website.

      I try to resolve things before they get to the district level whenever possible.

    3. Parent School Compact: The compact went home in parent packets.

    4. School Goals: (see above discussion)

e. Site Council Files: Our files are no longer organized in folders, something happened. We’re hoping the district tech folks can recreate it. For voting members, you will be given access to a Google folder with all the needed site council documents.

12. Meeting Adjourned @ 8:08pm – 1st to approve (TC), 2nd (GM)

September 2020 Agenda

Posted by Anna Mrsny on 2/7/2021 6:00:00 PM

NSA Site Council Agenda
September 1, 2020, 6:15 pm-8:15 pm

NSA Site Council Members Sara Shackel: Principal (SS). Alejandra Lopez: Parent (AL) Veronica Luna: Parent (VL) Gwen Minor: Teacher (GM) Stephanie Vance: Teacher (SV), 

Tracy Chad: Parent (TC) Sean Gaffney: Parent (SG) Jolie Kalvaria: Parent (JK), 5-6th: Teacher (BP)

1. Call Meeting to Order – VL

  1. Welcome New and Returning Site Council members - SS and VL

  2. Approval of Minutes

a. May 2020

  1. Public Comments

  2. Site Council Purpose & Bylaws – SS and VL

  3. Election of Officers

    1. Chair

    2. Assistant Chair

    3. Secretary

  4. Creation/Review of Council Agreements -

    a. Bring multiple perspectives

    b. Share openly & honestly
    c. Assume positive intent
    d. Respect commitment of role: Attend all meetings, arrive on time,

    come prepared...

  5. Approval of Meeting Schedule - VL

  6. Last year’s NSA Site Council Accomplishments/ This year’s goals - SS

10.Old Business

  1. District North Star Committee - SS

  2. Foreign Language – SS

  3. How distance learning is going - SS

  4. How we are doing enrichment - SS

11.New Business
a. Principal Update - SS

b. District Uniform Complaint Procedures - SS

c. Parent School Compact - SS

  1. School Goals - SS

  2. SSC Communications and Files - VL

12.Meeting Adjourned – VL

October 2020 Minutes

Posted by Anna Mrsny on 2/7/2021 6:00:00 PM

NSA Site Council Meeting Minutes

October 6, 2020 (via Zoom)

Members Present:
Sara Shackel: Principal (SS)
Veronica Luna: Chair, Parent (VL)
Jolie Kalvaria: Assistant Chair, Parent (JK) Alejandra Lopez: Secretary, Parent (AL) Tracy Chad: Assistant Secretary, Parent (TC) Shaun Gaffney: Parent (SG)
Gwen Minor: Teacher (GM)
Anna Mrsny: Office Manager (AM) Stephanie Vance: Teacher (SV)

Members Not Present: Ruth Snyder: Teacher (RS)

Guests: Leslie Stafford, Mohamed Tabrizi, Mary Lin, Morgan L., Ana Lucia Golubovski, Marybelle Ang, Warren Family, Jean Yang, Susan Bouchard, Celene Gomez, Baraa Dabagh, Renee Schwall, Nooshin Kavlani

  1. Meeting Called to Order @ 6:17pm – VL

  2. Reviewed Council Agreements – VL

    1. Bring multiple perspectives

    2. Share openly and honestly

    3. Assume positive intent

    4. Respect commitment of role: Attend all meetings, arrive on time, come prepared.

  3. Approved Meeting Minutes from September 1, 2020 – 1st to approve (JK), 2nd (SV)

  4. Public Comments

    Recent testing – Surprised only 70 percent completion rate. Does that mean only 70 percent started or they haven’t finished? Will parents get the results? And, what happens with the results in terms of teaching etc.?
    SS: Only 1 or 2 percent aren’t testing, and we know they aren’t and why. Some grade levels are taking longer than others. We’re trying to finish makeups, it takes more time for us to do virtually. Different grade levels have different types of struggles with students in completing the test, but everyone should be done by Friday. For this first round, because it’s new, it’s just a data point for us. We're learning about the test. I don’t know if parents get these first results. I don’t know what the parent reporting looks like. To be honest, at NSA, if you look at our scores, we’re green across the board. I think there’s more concern at some other

schools. I don’t think the district is ready to release all that info district-wide. I look at it, some with specific teachers, to see if they think it’s accurate.
SV: I can give some basic data from 7th grade. I have 59 kids, 83% are on or above grade, 10% one level below, one student is two or more grade levels below (and that student went too fast on this test). This is from the standard report.

GM: Some children did the test on a family member’s computer, and it was supposed to be done on the Chromebook. So, a handful of kids had to restart and do it over again.

For 6th grade, will parents get the results from the math placement test?

SS: I will talk with Liz. The first piece is to figure out if kids are misplaced, to see if kids need to move in either direction. Michelle Ban is looking at it and tabulating.

Is the iReady test a state mandatory test or something our district does?

SS: The iReady is new for us. Not state mandated. Used internally. Used throughout the nation. It’s the first time RCSD using it. We had been using other tools before.

We have the Gryphon Gatherings. And when they break out in individual grade levels, they’re starting to talk more. It’s a good community thing, going well.
SS: I’ve been visiting classrooms. It’s my favorite thing to watch the kids light up and get excited about what they’re learning about. I also got permission from Doctor Baker to try some in-person social pods, for example, for a few students to come and eat lunch in a lunch shelter. We’re going to try it.

Art in Action, I think it’s going well. The kids were great. It was way better than I expected.

A 4th grade question, we’re doing a lot of things for 3rd grade, can we do something for the 4th graders? I think some of them are still lost. They’re still young.
SS: That’s a great question. I don’t have an immediate answer, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about. Let me talk with Ms. Sitte and the 4th grade team and see what they think.

Are we doing anything to make Halloween special? Also, there’s no opportunity to see other kids even within the same grade, also other grades.
SS: For Halloween, they’ll be a few things, organized by the student government class. A spirit day, where kids can dress up and take class pictures on a zoom call. There’s going to be some celebrations, again, organized by student government. We’ll probably do something at Gryphon Gatherings as well. To the point about 4th grade, a lot of kids are starting to miss that element of cross pollination. Ms. Sitte is working on the buddy program, that will launch soon. They’re going to do a pen pal system. We've been talking about art club, there’s some clubs starting to form.

What about PE class? Seems like a class that could be outdoors in a socially distanced way, wearing masks. It could be optional for families that want it.

SS: The school board tomorrow has a meeting to go through all of the issues around reopening. I asked Dr. Baker about small group things, as I mentioned earlier, to see how that goes.

5. Discussed and Approved Site Financials – SS
[SS shared a document virtually during the meeting.] You can see we have less than we budgeted in some areas and we overspent in some areas. So, we need to find $9,000. The good news is we have $5,700 carry over from Measure U. So, we can redistribute some of that. [SS talks through some of the cells in the budget worksheet.] Do people have thoughts?

Are we continuing to support Legarza in any way?

SS: They knew this summer we were not likely using them, so they planned for that, and we don’t have a contract with them this year. If things change in the future when we know our plans about returning to school, we can approach them again about a contract.

GM: I noticed that Encyclopedia Britannica (EB) has a good program. I go back and forth with Wikipedia and whether that’s a good source for research. EB has three levels of difficulty so there are elementary, high school, and college versions. It’s safe. That’s one thing about being online, and I’ve heard concerns from families and have concerns myself. So, I’m thinking about ways we could have a safe online, research environment.

SS: I was also asked by the district science person to create a science budget as well.

SV: One subscription service we’re looking at is called Actively Learn (AL) if we need supplemental materials, especially in 7th and 8th grade. There were only 3 kids with standards nearly met, everyone else met; we have a very bright group of 7th and 8th grade scholars, and teachers who would love to have supplemental materials in science and social studies. AL has articles, books, lessons done by Lexile level. So, we can differentiate for students. AL accommodates all student levels. AL covers science, social studies, and language arts, again, all differentiated by scholar.

We’ll need yard duty if we go back to campus, to monitor safety, etc.

SS: I agree.

Could we have afterschool help, like small group homework centers?

SS: I will talk with staff about it and see if anyone is interested in doing it for pay.

I’d like to bring up Spanish again.

SS: Offering Spanish schoolwide would cost $150K, and we don’t have that.

What about Rosetta Stone licensing?

SS: That comes through PTO, and we have that through enrichment. Some kids are doing language through different programs, not just Rosetta Stone.

What about other grade levels (regarding Actively Learn)?

SV: I asked if 6th grade interested, they’re going to stick with what they’re using.

SS: So, to keep things equitable across grades, I could allocate money for subscriptions, and then grade levels could each get some and make decisions about how to spend.

Is this in place of or in addition to current curriculum?

SV: This is in addition to what we have, but depends on how teachers choose to use it.

SS: Can we vote on whether you are comfortable taking money out of the books and supplies column in site supplemental, making books and supplies in Measure U, and using the rest for subscription services and science supplies? Everyone says yes. [She’ll work on the budget and bring it back to the group with more specifics.]

6. New Business
a. Principal Update – SS

A few key things – I’ve met with Site Council President and PTO President to talk through how to do applications, we have a rough plan which needs to go before Dr. Baker. We’ll have in-person testing, but not the 3-hour test we usually give. In CogAT, there’s a smaller battery, the screener, which has one test section from each category. Will give us one score per student, a percentile rank, rather than individual scores for each section. The first part of the application will be the CogAT. The seating will be for two weeks in December. There will be 10-12 desks set up in the gym far apart from each other. Half- hour test. Morning and afternoon session. Every day of the week. Kids will come in batches to sit for the test; we’ll have sanitized computers, wear masks, take a screener before coming on campus, take temperatures, parents have to wait in cars. We could potentially do outside but I’m not sure about the noise. I’ve asked for air purifiers for the gym. Then we’re still in negotiations about what the report card piece will look like. Won't use Spring, would be Fall. I will start information nights at the end of October, beginning of November. We’ll have panelists to talk about their experiences at NSA, and then open sign-ups for testing seats. I don’t know what our numbers will look like. We’re not taking out of district applications this year.

[Do you ever lower the cutoff for admissions?]

SS: I have not. I don’t like to do that for a variety of reasons, and I haven’t needed to. I could. This year is totally different anyway. But the cut point is there for a reason. Historically, kids who do not meet the cut point are not as successful here and it becomes a struggle.

[Something that came out of the boundary changes, Dr. Baker said he was going to discuss how to rework the school of choice lottery system. Does that affect our admissions process? Do we know his timeline?]

SS: No, I don’t know their timeline. Our lottery will happen in January. I can reach out and ask him about it. The board will be discussing the plan for reopening at the meeting tomorrow night.

b. District Update – LS
Tomorow's session will be very long. They are asking people to put in speaker cards in advance. They will probably limit speaking time.

  1. Rescheduled next Site Council meeting since originally scheduled for election night. Meeting moved to the following Tuesday, November 10. 1st to approve (GM), 2nd (JK)

  2. Meeting Adjourned @ 7:47pm

October 2020 Agenda

Posted by Anna Mrsny on 2/7/2021 6:00:00 PM

NSA Site Council Agenda
October 6, 2020, 6:15 pm-8:15 pm

NSA Site Council Members

Sara Shackel: Principal (SS) Alejandra Lopez: Parent (AL) Veronica Luna: Parent (VL) Gwen Minor: Teacher (GM) Stephanie Vance: Teacher (SV), TBN: Teacher (), TBN: Classified Staff () Tracy Chad: Parent (TC) Sean Gaffney: Parent (SG) Jolie Kalvaria: Parent (JK)

1. Call Meeting to Order – VL

  1. Creation/Review of Council Agreements - VL a. Bring multiple perspectives

    b. Share openly & honestly
    c. Assume positive intent
    d. Respect commitment of role: Attend all meetings, arrive on time,

    come prepared...

  2. Approval of September 2020 Minutes

  3. Public Comments

  4. Discuss and Approve Site Financials – SS

  5. New Business

    1. Principal Update - SS

    2. District Update - SS

  6. Meeting Adjourned – VL

November 2020 Minutes

Posted by Anna Mrsny on 2/7/2021 6:00:00 PM

NSA Site Council Meeting Minutes

November 10, 2020 (via Zoom)

Members Present:
Sara Shackel: Principal (SS)
Kelly Noriega: Assistant Principal (KN) Veronica Luna: Chair, Parent (VL)
Jolie Kalvaria: Assistant Chair, Parent (JK) Alejandra Lopez: Secretary, Parent (AL) Tracy Chad: Assistant Secretary, Parent (TC) Shaun Gaffney: Parent (SG)
Gwen Minor: Teacher (GM)
Anna Mrsny: Office Manager (AM) Stephanie Vance: Teacher (SV)

Members Not Present: Ruth Snyder: Teacher (RS)

Guests: Michelle Fogarty, Julie Prosper, Maureen Shaw Bravo, Renee Schwall, Jean Cripps, David Kwiatkowski, Erin Kennedy, Colleen Lewcock, Gina Manion, Matsakis Family, Renata Caine, Francoise Monet, Chuck Walter, Eva Weppner, Dayle Mahoney, Rita Etscheid, Ida Tang, Lawrence Ip, Danny Hsu, Ken Arai, Tatum Williams, Melissa Melara, Kirsten McMullen, Meera Subramanian, James Yauch, Gail Sheena, Ana Lucia Golubovski, Caroline Co, Gregg Thayer, Magdalena Rembacz-C., Brian Cagle, Jessica Ryan, Andrea Jones, Evelyn Skye, Malenfant Family, Pablo Perez, Anjuli Arora Dow, Kim Yuen, Beth Serres, Ashley Gunther, Tina Wang, Teresa Apolinar, Andrea Martin, Jill Schmidt, Susan Bouchard, Carmen Perez de la Cruz, Becky Blankenburg, Cherrill Roth, Morgan L., Colleen Wilson, Own Palmer, Lisa Silberman, Amy Richards, Mohamad Tabrizi, Jennifer Keicher, Casey Wright, Amanda Hoff, Liz Dyer, Leslie Stafford, Kristen Schweitzer, Nooshin Kaviani, Beatric Chan, Cameron Hoffman, Jennifer Lam, Carol Anne Bauman, Beth Conway, Shepherd Koleckar, Heather Gentner, Dalya Rosner, Meredith Bloom

  1. Meeting Called to Order @ 6:20 pm – SS

  2. Approved Meeting Minutes from October 6, 2020 – 1st to approve (SV), 2nd (TC)

  3. Reviewed Council Agreements – SS

    1. Bring multiple perspectives

    2. Share openly and honestly

    3. Assume positive intent

    4. Respect commitment of role: Attend all meetings, arrive on time, come prepared.

  4. Discussed and Approved Site Financials – SS
    SS: [Reviewed changes.] We upped books and supplies, for all grade levels, added subscription services which we’re using a lot more of now, including Actively Learn for upper

grades, and also science supplies. I took out planning and release time because teachers have release days built into the year. This is what we have to approve for the school district.

Approved Measure U Funds and Budget – 1st to approve (JK), 2nd (GM) 5. New Business

Explain Schoolwide Program for January 2021 (Safety and Reopening) – SS

Norms: Assume positive intent, listen with open heart and mind, bring multiple perspectives to the table (think holistically about the whole school, plan needs to work all together), discuss ideas and not people.

Goal: To provide the best possible education to families while maintaining safety and academic rigor and instruction.

Plan: People will wear masks all day, no meal on campus if large group, 6 feet apart, kids need own space, can’t come to school if anyone in family is ill. There is a student conduct contract that students and parents will sign so that safety expectations are clear.

Three examples of ways hybrid school is happening locally:

  • AM/PM mostly for early elementary grades (not feasible for our school in terms of school

    cleaning in that timeframe, and limits the time that kids have with their teachers)

  • 2 days live, 3 days asynchronous. Most common model being used in RC. Not working

    great from early feedback.

  • 1 week on, 1 week off. Menlo park is doing. Week off feels like a week off from school,

    and heavier parent burden on parents on week off from school.

    NSA proposal:

  • 8:30 to noon: academic classes, virtual, curriculum uninterrupted from current model

  • Afternoon for grade 3 (1-3pm): live instruction with group work, and option for virtual

    group work

  • Afternoon for grades 4-8: each teacher on campus has a cohort, each teacher off campus

    has a cohort, for Enrichment, PE and SEL

    Third of NSA families wanted in person, third wanted distance learning, third wanted to stay with teacher regardless of location.

    There have been questions about on-campus support. Yes, we have a pilot program already. Working great, will continue. We also have a notion of hubs that the district is working out, for students with great need. For example, for kids who need high speed internet, second language learners, those with academic needs. District is working to staff this right now, based on need.

    Lot of questions about quarantine protocol. The district has a whole pandemic framework (150 pages) available upon request.

    Travel is an issue also. The expectation is that, if someone is traveling by airplane or with large groups, you should quarantine for 14 days before returning to school. People need to

take this seriously if they’re going to be on campus. There’s also a wellness screening each day. If you have a symptom you’ll need to go home. We recommend testing before you return. Lots of protocols in place. We’ll have a parent night to go over more details as we get closer to opening up.

Biggest issue left to resolve – enrichment block, how will PE and the afternoon time work?

What if a family changes their mind about the pathway? The short answer is decide and stick with it. Once the pathways are laid out, parents will have to decide. That said, it will be easier to exit on-campus cohort than enter on-campus cohort.

Questions submitted:

Is there an option where kids go to school in afternoon to do work with help?

SS: we can consider making pods that support that (maybe instead of enrichment class).

Option to skip enrichment? SS: Yes.

Option to have some academic instruction on site (e.g., science)?

SS: Not really because of how teachers are assigned to teaching slots.

Music and band?

SS: We cannot have music at school. Ms. McNamara will continue as she’s been doing.

Options for kids struggling with distance learning?

SS: Hub for example. Depends what academically struggling is. Low grades, not mastering standards, yes, we can try to help with that.

Is independent study an option without leaving NSA?

SS: Yes, we have a few kids on independent study. That is absolutely an option. However, you cannot disenroll (to attend private school or homeschool etc.) and then return to NSA. Your spot will be given to the next person on the waitlist.

In PM hybrid, can parents make cohort requests?

SS: Short answer, yes. We can build cohorts based on pods as we did at beginning of the year. The primary focus of bringing kids back in the afternoons is to give them social opportunities. Need to keep in mind ages and who will benefit from being together.

PE log still required?

SS: PE log still required. Enrichment not required.

How will academic content be fit into the morning?

SS: This is already done, if you look at our current schedule. I would be concerned if we only had two days a week to do this, but that is not what we are proposing.

Why can’t 3rd grade do AM/PM split each day?

SS: Many families have 3rd graders and older students. Scheduling doesn’t work schoolwide. Speaker cards:

Other schools are sharing the teacher decisions with parents, is that something we are doing?

SS: We’ve tried to keep it vague but we can give you general information by grade level (upon request).

For distance learning only, will they switch homeroom teachers?

SS: Different ways we can do. One idea is we can group kids based on need, to do targeted small group instruction. You can be in either option and get help with what you need.

How will we reduce screen time?

SS: The short answer is right now we can’t, if we’re going to keep teaching and learning the way we are. We’re trying to get kids off the computers for asynchronous time but it’s been difficult. We’ll keep trying, and I’m open to ideas.

Executive functioning support not happening as much, how can we be attentive to that?

SS: Historically, 6th grade is the most difficult, more demand for executive functioning. Could have a pod designed around that for example.

Would be helpful to have more feedback from the teachers to the students.

SS: I will touch base with the staff about that. With individual meetings, there’s opportunity to do that during office hours. Maybe some could be mandated.

When will we know more specifics about the schedule?

SS: We have to have our plan into the district by mid-December. So it will probably be at the beginning of December that we present the plan to parents to get people’s choices.

Will 3rd grade teachers be present in PM for instruction?

SS: 3rd grade will do small group work, same thing as now.

My concern is that students won’t be in a classroom with their core academic class teachers for 18 months. And it’s so much screen time. I’d like to see academic supports in person without a screen as part of the afternoon time.
SS: I hear you. NSA is a hard place because many of our kids are doing fine. You have to figure out something that works for the majority and also make sure everyone’s needs are met.

GM: Wanted to address teacher feedback. I have been working so much, and I know all the teachers are working all the time. One of the problems I found is that kids turn things in in different places. So I’ve had a hard time with that. I’ve given a lot of my time to allowing the kids to email me, I wanted them to have the opportunity to talk and have a connection. But it’s really hard to keep up. Next trimester, I would like to strive for more feedback to students. This trimester was focused on transferring our curriculum into a digital format.

I want to compliment the whole staff on all the efforts. Two thoughts: one is on cognitive load, I worry about compressing that time into one tight block. Second, in afternoon time, are there ways to bring students together to be collaborative and build friendships?
SS: All good ideas. I’m going to think about that cognitive load, and I may reach out to you.

How are we getting the full district expressed minutes in 4th grade?

SS: We include enrichment. The district includes everything the students learn. PE, synchronous and asynchronous, enrichment, etc.

Is PM mixed grades?

SS: 4th to 8th on some level, but it depends on how we structure the afternoon.

What was the process for coming up with the plan?

SS: The process was a lot of conversations with a lot of people. I talked with teachers. I talked with students. Anecdotally, in response to the plan initially communicated to families, I got 15 to 20 emails. Of those, there were maybe 3 or 4 were unhappy, everyone else was okay with it. Ultimately, site council will vote on it to approve it. Parents will then get to choose how to participate once the options are firmed up.

If we opt in, and we choose not to attend sometimes, is that ok?

SS: If opting in, easier to skip. But can’t go the other way. We are though asking people to commit to one path or another. People need to make a decision.

Motion to approve the plan (afternoon piece still needs to be fleshed out). SS will bring specifics about the afternoon piece to the next site council meeting.

6. Meeting Adjourned @ approximately 8:00pm

November 2020 Agenda

Posted by Anna Mrsny on 2/7/2021 6:00:00 PM

NSA Site Council Agenda November 10, 2020, 6:15 pm-8:15 pm Join Zoom Meeting*

NSA Site Council Members Sara Shackel: Principal (SS) Alejandra Lopez: Parent (AL) Veronica Luna: Parent (VL) Gwen Minor: Teacher (GM) Stephanie Vance: Teacher (SV), Ruth Snyder (RS)
Anna Mrsny (AM)
Tracy Chad: Parent (TC) Sean Gaffney: Parent (SG) Jolie Kalvaria: Parent (JK)

  1. Call Meeting to Order – VL

  2. Review of Council Agreements - VL 

a.Bring multiple perspectivesb. Share openly & honestly
c. Assume positive intent
d. Respect commitment of role: Attend all meetings, arrive on time, come prepared

  1. Approval of October 2020 Minutes

  2. Discuss and Approve Site Financials – SS

    1. Updated NSA Budget

    2. Measure U Addendum

  3. New Business

    1. Explain Schoolwide Program for January 2021 (Safety and Reopening) -SS

    2. Review and revise SPSA as needed - SS

    3. Principal Update - SS

    4. District Update - SS

  4. Public Comments

  5. Meeting Adjourned – VL

February 2021 Agenda

Posted by Anna Mrsny on 1/27/2021

NSA Site Council Agenda February 2, 2021, 6:15 pm-8:15 pm

Join Zoom Meeting*

Passcode: NSASC1

NSA Site Council Members
Ruth Snyder: Teacher (RS)

Anna Mrsny: Staff (AM) Tracy Chad: Parent (TC) Sean Gaffney: Parent (SG) Jolie Kalvaria: Parent (JK)

  1. Call Meeting to Order – VL

  2. Creation/Review of Council Agreements - VL

    1. Bring multiple perspectives

    2. Share openly & honestly

    3. Assume positive intent

    4. Respect commitment of role: Attend all meetings, arrive on time, come


  3. Upcoming SBAC - SS

  4. Annual Climate Survey - SS

  5. New Business

    1. Principal Update – SS

      - School re-opening update
      - Admissions update
      - Equity Update (Stephanie Vance)

    2. District Update - SS

  6. Public Comments

  7. Meeting Adjourned – VL

*Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 828 5098 8901
Passcode: NSASC1
One tap mobile +16699006833,,82850988901#,,,,,,0#,,580219# US (San Jose) +13462487799,,82850988901#,,,,,,0#,,580219

May 19 2020 Agenda

Posted by Anna Mrsny on 5/12/2020 10:00:00 AM

NSA Site Council Agenda May 19, 2020

Time: 6:15pm-8:15pm

Online via Zoom

School Site Council Members

Sara Shackel: Principal (SS)
Colleen Lewcock: Chair, Parent (CL)
Veronica Luna: Assistant Chair, Parent (VL)

Allison Trinklein: Secretary, Parent (AT)

Alejandra Lopez: Parent (AL)
Brenda Pinto: 6th Grade Teacher (BP)
Gwen Minor: 4th Grade Teacher (GM)
Sean Gaffney: Parent (SG)

Stephanie Vance: 7th Grade Teacher (SV)

  1. Call Meeting to Order
  1. Welcome and introduce new members
  1. Review of Council Agreements 
  • Bring multiple perspectives
  • Share openly & honestly 
  • Assume positive intent
  • Respect commitment of role: Attend all meetings, arrive on time, come prepared…
  1. Approval of April Minutes 
  2. Public Comments
  3. Monthly Objectives from District 
  1. Vote on SPSA
  2. Vote on Budget
  1. District & PTO Updates
    1. PTO: New board & open positions
    2. District Updates
  2. New Business
    1. Distance Learning Update/Discussion
    2. Principal Update: Staffing
    3. Introduce new members
  1. Meeting Adjourned

April 14 2020 Agenda

Posted by Anna Mrsny on 4/3/2020 1:00:00 PM

NSA Site Council Agenda April 14, 2020

Time: 6:15pm-8:15pm

Online via Zoom


School Site Council Members


Sara Shackel: Principal (SS)
Colleen Lewcock: Chair, Parent (CL)
Veronica Luna: Assistant Chair, Parent (VL)

Allison Trinklein: Secretary, Parent (AT)

Alejandra Lopez: Parent (AL)
Brenda Pinto: 6th Grade Teacher (BP)
Gwen Minor: 4th Grade Teacher (GM)
Sean Gaffney: Parent (SG)

Stephanie Vance: 7th Grade Teacher (SV)

  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Review of Council Agreements
  • Bring multiple perspectives
  • Share openly & honestly
  • Assume positive intent
  • Respect commitment of role: Attend all meetings, arrive on time, come prepared…
  1. Approval of March Minutes
  2. Public Comments
  3. Monthly Objectives from District
  4. Discuss next year’s budget site allocations for specific programs and proposed site expenditures
  5. Review Climate Survey Results and make recommendations for social emotional goals
  6. SPSA: Align SPSA Goals as per data for the following school year
  1. Old Business
    1. Out of district transfers
  1. District & PTO Updates
    1. Northstar Forward Committee (CL & VL)
    2. PTO/Auction
  1. New Business
    1. Principal Update
    2. Recruitment Timeline:

April 14: SSC Meeting

April 22: Deadline for bios to SS

April 27 - May 1: Voting

May 4: Announce new members

May 5: New parent members invited to SSC Meeting

  1. Meeting Adjourned

March 3 2020 Agenda

Posted by Anna Mrsny on 2/26/2020 12:00:00 PM

NSA Site Council Agenda March 3, 2020 Time: 6:15pm-8:15pm
North Star Staff Room, McKinley Building Room 107

School Site Council Members

Sara Shackel: Principal (SS)
Colleen Lewcock: Chair, Parent (CL) Veronica Luna: Assistant Chair, Parent (VL)
Allison Trinklein: Secretary, Parent (AT)

  1. Call Meeting to Order - CL

  2. Review of Council Agreements

Alejandra Lopez: Parent (AL)
Brenda Pinto: 6th Grade Teacher (BP) Gwen Minor: 4th Grade Teacher (GM) Sean Gaffney: Parent (SG)
Stephanie Vance: 7th Grade Teacher (SV)

  • ● Bring multiple perspectives

  • ● Share openly & honestly

  • ● Assume positive intent

  • ● Respect commitment of role: Attend all meetings, arrive on time, come prepared...

  1. Approval of February Minutes

  2. Public Comments

  3. Monthly Objectives from District

a. Staffing Update b. SPSA

i. Review actions and services from current year SPSA, analyze data to determine if the actions and services are supporting the goals, Determine areas of need as per data

  1. Old Business

    a. Admissions/District meeting about out of district transfers b. Survey Sub-Committee - tabled until April

  2. District & PTO Updates

    a. Northstar Forward Committee (CL & VL) b. PTO/Auction

  3. New Business

    1. Principal Update

    2. Move April Meeting to Tues, April 14th

    3. Recruitment

  4. Meeting Adjourned